God's Weather Forecast

Weather forecasting, which is technically called meteorology, is a science that deals with the atmosphere and its phenomena but especially with the weather.
Who can best fulfill the job description of a meteorologist than God – who, in the beginning put it all into being.
In the Word of God, God has used the elements as "figures" of speech" and also used the elements as they "actually are" (1) to teach, (2) show, (3) demonstrate and (4) use His power.
God's Meteorology includes these elements in Clouds – – Dew and Frost – – Drought – – Heat and Cold – – Mist and Vapor – – Storms, which include hailstorms, Rain, Tempests, Water Sprouts. Then there is Thunder, Lightning, Wind and Whirlwind.
In the chapters that follow one will see the use of some of these in specific situations and show how they can and do relate to our everyday living.
"Lightning and hail, snow and clouds, stormy winds THAT DO HIS BIDDING" (Psalm 48:8)
In this booklet
as seen in:
the dew and frost
"Give Me Dew in My Life Keep Me Wet"
the clouds
"Can Anyone Understand the Spreading of the Clouds?"
the rain
"Doctrine of the Rain"
the storms
"The Wind Storms at Sea"
the stars
"The Stars Shine Bright on My Old Kentucky (Heart) Home"
the earthquakes
"What Language Does God Speak?"
the thunder bolts and hailstones
"God's Thunderbolts and Hailstones."
the heavens
"The Heavens Are Actually Declaring"
the snow
"The Treasure in the Snow"
"The Rainbow Speaks"
Epilogue – concluding section
(waves and wind)
and comments on "natural disasters"
BIBLICAL EXAMPLES of God controlling the weather and using it to actually direct people and nations. The skeptic can not deny the following scriptures found in the Bible.
- Genesis 6:5-9:19 (Earth destroyed by flood, people and animals killed)
- Exodus 9:23-29 (hail and fire from heaven on Egypt)
- Joshua 10:11 (hail on the Amorites, etc.)
- I Samuel 7:10 (thunder disperses the Philistines)
- Nahum 1:3 (judgment with whirlwind and drought)
- Leviticus 26:19-20 (rainless sky, parched earth)
- Deuteronomy 11:13-15 (rain as reward for obedience)
- Deuteronomy 28:24 (drought punishment)
- I Samuel 12:18 (thunder and rain to get people's attention)
- II Samuel 21:1 (drought and famine)
- I Kings 8:35-36 (good weather reward)
- I Kings 16:30-18:45 (rain withheld and given)
- Hosea 13:15 (dry weather)
- Amos 4:7 (rain given and withheld from certain cities)
- Jonah 1:4,10-15 (man punished and redirected by sea storm)
- Zechariah 14:17 (rain withheld as judgment)
- Revelation 16:21 (hailstone, punishment)