Very Personal Words Experienced by One Sheep Through a Year. 

November 3, 4, & 5

November 3

SHEEP: True religion is this;

1. Complete dependence upon God.
2. His power and presence working in us.
3. Receiving every degree of goodness and happiness from Him alone.

(Psalm 3:3-4 I cried unto the Lord.)

People can hear us only in proportion as to how much we manifest Christ's character through us. They understand only as much as we live Christ before them. As we walk through our trials, living in hope of what Christ has done for us, remember, also: Christ endured the cross, despising the shame for the joy that was before Him. The Character of Christ is being manifested in and through us as we learn to endure our trials in faith and trust of the one who made victory possible for us. We experience his love in the process, learning a little more the length, height depth and breath of that love – all through the experiencing of our faith through trials.

Col. 1:27 All hope of real "glory" is in discovering Christ's very life in us.

Heb. 12:1-8 (about the cloud of witnesses chapter)

SHEEP: For the joy of fulfilling the will of the Father, despising the shame of this ignominious (disgrace, shame, humiliation) death for all of us.

For consider Him – He has left us an example that we should follow. If you trust Him – you shall run and not grow weary.

If you continually confide in, attentively look to Him, you shall have courage to go on, never faint in your mind.

GOD'S WORD: 2 Cor. 12:9 "I pleaded that it might depart from me – my grace is sufficient for you – my strength is made perfect in weakness."

SHEEP: Grace – from root word "charo" – joy, "chatro" – rejoicing.

The buffeting from Satan is God's controlled agent to bring forth character development. When we are weak, we can become strong in Jesus.

This weakness I am experiencing is to me God's control agent to bring forth His glory. I need to stay connected with Him. When I am weak, I can become strong in Jesus. All this is learned through experience to trust Him more and more in the process, experiencing His love more.

GOD'S WORD: Heb. 11:34 Saints of old, "Out of frailty and weakness won strength and became stalwart, even mighty and resistless in battle."

1 Peter 4:14 "If you are insulted because of the name of Christ, you are blessed, for the Spirit of glory and of God rests on you."

Psalm 46:10 "Be still, and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth."

SHEEP: God is address the enemy with a warning. Cease and desist, it is I God, who will be exalted in victory; you do not have a chance of victory. He is also saying in another translation: Let go of your concerns then you will know that I am God. I rule.

Worship is an important devotion to God. He is present with those who worship. Also, when we pray we need to spend time listening as well, that knowing God involves experiencing regular time of silent waiting and expectant quietude.

Hebrews 5:7-9 "Be still, and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth."

Faithful obedience


1. believes what God has said and acts in line with it.
2. allows all believers to enter the rest of God.
3. acknowledges the complete work of salvation by obedience to it's every instruction.

November 6

GOD'S WORD: Isa. 26:3,4 ":You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you. 3 Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord, the Lord is the Rock Eternal."

SHEEP: Perfect peace – expressed by the phrase Shalom – a Hebrew method of putting great emphasis on a word. You will keep him in everything the word Shalom implies: health, happiness, well being, and peace.

Mind – meaning creative imagination. Isaiah is saying that he whose creative imagination, the seat of plans and ideas is firmly founded in the Lord will enjoy "shalom" in all it implies.

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