Very Personal Words Experienced by One Sheep Through a Year. 

December 21

December 21

Christ love to us – Our love to the world

GOD'S WORD: John 13:34 " I give you a new commandment: that you should love one another. Just as I have loved you, so you too should love one another.

15:9 " I have loved you, [just] as the Father has loved Me; abide in My love [[a]continue in His love with Me]."

SHEEP: I am to love others as Christ loves me. Nothing less than the love which the Father had toward Him, I am to love others.

Meditate on it: The love of the Father to Christ, His son, the love of Christ to me, is one and the same everlasting love.


his love was given to us by the Holy Spirit. It is the living Divine power flowing from the Father to the Son and working in our hearts through Jesus and flowing to the world. The Holy Spirit as the power of the love, sheds it abroad in our heart.

The thing I think about when I meditate upon this is the fact that God gave His son to the world. Jesus, in turn, gave his life for us – despising the shame – for the joy that was before him. We were being released to have intimacy with the Father, to look more like him and to be all He created us to be.

By faith we have been forgiven of all our sins and healed of all our sickness and diseases. We've been given an abundant life – all this by His grace.

Now we've been called to go forth in His name and in the power of His love to the world.

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