2 Corinthians 5:l "Even though I walk through the shadow of death, I will NOT be afraid because you ARE with me." Psalm 23:4 +
I suppose that the thing that prompts many people to be afraid of death is the fact of "the unknown". The above scriptures have been given to us by the Lord to help ease our conflict with death. As a Christian we should, like Paul, look forward to going through the door. Yet, as a sensitive human, we have great concern for those whom we leave behind. One fact to establish is that if one is born again they have the assurance and promise of God that they will not have "to cross Jordan alone". The song says that there will be someone waiting for me.....that one, of course, the Lord Jesus. Just that fact alone should give one great encouragement. I suppose actual bottom line is that only the Holy Ghost can impart peace and give comfort when one tends to be afraid of death. If you are in such a state of being afraid, call out to the Lord. In simple child like faith (like you had when you accepted the Lord) and receive His peace. I want you to know that if you e-mail me your personal concern I will be delighed to counsel with you.
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