Where to Look When Words For Courageous Living

Fearful, afraid, anxiety

Psalm 34:4

"I sought the Lord, and He answered me; He delivered me from all my fears."

2 Timothy 1:7

"For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline."

Isa. 12:2

"God is the one who saves me. I trust him. I am not afraid. The Lord, the Lord, gives me strength and makes me sing. He has saved me."

Josh. 10:25

"...Be strong and brave! Don't be afraid. I will show you what the Lord will do..."

Matthew 10:30-31

"God even knows how many hairs are on your head. So don't be afraid..."

Heb. 13:6

"So we can feel sure and say, 'I will not be afraid because the Lord is my helper.'..."

Deut. 31:8

"The Lord himself will go before you. He will be with you. He will not leave you or forget you. Don't be afraid. Don't worry."

Psalm 46:ll

"The Lord of heaven's armies is with us. The God of Jacob is our protection."

Matthew 28:20

"...You can be sure that I will be with you always.... I will continue with you until the end of the world."


Anxiety has no place in the life of one of God’s children. The serenity of Jesus was one of the most unmistakable signs of His trust. He was tired. He was hungry and He was thirsty and He was in pain, but we cannot imagine Him anxious or fretful. His mind was kept in perfect peace because it was STAYED on God. The life lived by the faith of the Son of God will find his word kept. What was it? “My peace I give unto you.” Anxiety is destructive! It is not work that kills men, it is worry, it is being afraid, it is being over anxious. How it worms its way into our inner man. Every time I have had to deal with this subject on a very personal level, I have had to ask myself this question. Where will my mind be “stayed”? On the issue, problem or circumstance, OR on the Lord God almighty? And I hasten to say, “It is not easy to do!”. I suppose we will never know the power or influence of our will. David often said, “I will....” do such and such.

Heb. 13:6,

“So we will say with confidence, ‘The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid...’

and what has gotten me through so many days of difficulty is:

At what time I am afraid, I will trust in you.

Psalm 56:3


Additional scriptures to ponder and let God work their truths in your heart;

In the Psalms: 23:4-6; 27:1-6; 28:7; 31:24; 32:7; 46:1; 91:4-6

Also: Proverbs 29:25; Isa. 43:2; 54:14 In the New Testament: John 14:27; Romans 8:15;

2 Timothy 1:7 and 1 John 14:18

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