Hello ~~ Neal Carlson, here...
Words for Courageous Living, the book

First, I want to thank many of you who have made comments regarding the release of my book, WORDS FOR COURAGEOUS LIVING. I have been asked to let you know about it.

You will understand why as you read further.

All of my royalties from the book go to sending tapes and Bibles to third world countries.

We are literally behind mailing hundreds and hundreds of tapes. By count there were 1,320 requested tapes we were unable to send because of lack of funds. The Bible requests are under 100....most all of them coming from teenagers in Ghana and Nigeria.

So, by telling a friend about the book, (It is available on most all on-line bookstores.) the more that are sold, the more people around the world will be blessed.

Thank you

WORDS FOR COURAGEOUS LIVING. The book is available in paperback and hardcover and may be purchased through most any bookstore. especially Amazon.com and Target.com.

In a world of discouragement, one needs words of encourgement. The book contains 366 day by day devotions to assist in "lion like" living.